hahaha.. its been a long time since i update my blog.. hurm.. many thing have happened and i think i might taking wrong road (200km/h in the wrong lane- speed that can achieved by mr D)..
in youth time people just wanna try sumthing new.. been there.. and i dunt know its the right things..
damaged have been done and time cant be reversed, like a broken glass, if u can fix it, its still not the same.. things already happened.. so, from now i will live on consequent.. but its been an interesting experiences..
so, for damage control, im trying to distract myself with other things..
i really wanna burn this chapter into ashes with no memories of it..
Sunday, August 23, 2009
burning some chapter in my life
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Another Closing CHApter
Closing another chapter of my studie.. closing chapter doesn’t mean it’s the end., well just like a book, we always can review back wut happened.. well mny things happened, the good, and the bad.. for the bad one I want to leave all that behind.. locked in a room that cant be open.. sumtimes I think can I erase that? nope, certainly not.. y? because that’s the thing make my life interesting.. learning a things or two to grew up..
So, the next chapter of studies in Ump will be in July.. about 2 month from now.. new student, new place to stay, new subject but not the lecturers.. n who knows, new frend? =p wut will happen? That’s the things we will never know now..
Its time to party. =p luv u all
Thursday, April 9, 2009
tricking sumone under one purpose, to entertain urself, for humor. undersome condition, prank will not be sumthing funny for u or the victim.. in a way or other, sum1 may get injured.. n the outcome will hit urself..
prank maybe okay if its a small thing n u think all the possibilities outcome which is have no or minmal negative outcome..
watch out guys n boys, maybe u prank sumbody today, but who knows tommorrow will be u?
i like to prank people but not to be prank by other people.. ekeke... no injuries occur.. ekeke
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The LESsOn To END WorlD WAR 3 for DummiES
SteP No 1:
dont point a finger to others when sumthing happened, just face the mirror n think.. maybe the ignition is in urself, n u might know the ugliest part urself..
SteP No 2:
u shouldnt be a fuel to light up sumthing that seems to be fade off..
because sumtimes, the fire will be much bigger than before.. u might get burned because of it..
n injuries from it take a long.. long... long time to recover. n importantly its a messy n hurt..
StEP No 3:
listen what have u said.. dont be a two faces, talking A doing B.. when talking B doing C.. or siad dont doing this, but actually u are doing it.. like "lets make peace", but u actually still attacking that party.. walking around with smiling face and angel to be, but ur shadow are actually a devil with two horn..
SteP No 4:
when the other party ceased fire in a war, u should too.. dont ever think ur side are winning, because maybe the party that ceased fire dont want a messy outcome of this..
just back off, shut up n live ur life...
*this pic its not mine, i take it from http://www.fairiesvampires.com/
so, credit goes to this site.. nice pic..
Sunday, March 29, 2009
InduStriaL ViSit
6.00 am
so sleepy, but its time to wake up guys...
like mr Fi said, 'bas gerak kul 6.30, lmbt tinggal, xde tunggu2'
6.30 am
my, my, some of us couldnt make it to this trip because of unexpected things...
to miss N, we heard u got headache.. may u recover soon...
2 hours n 30 minutes trip
Well, in a long trip, wutelse u can do? MUSIC, TAlKING N SLEEPING.. which one better? Mmmmm… =p
We have stopped for breakfast sumwhere in kemaman… nasi lemak n the tarik is my fav..
GPP B (Consist of plant 5 n 6 n dcpu 3)
Arrived around 10.00 a.m
All I can said – HOT n COoL!!!
after briefing, we went into the site, we also get to see the controll centre..
this visit end with lunch..
Saturday, March 28, 2009
what HaPPend On Friday (27MArCH)
no, no.. dont be threaten by this blog title, no one to blast this friday...
THe 7.45 a.m wake UP n 8.00 a.m class
oh no.. we LAte.. i dont set the alarm n mr H juts set it 7 p.m. my, my mr H at 7 p.m, birds flies back to nest not out the nest.. no offence mr H just kidding.
shocking event hre, mr Ai is already at our house, wow, maybe he get a really good sleep or is it about assignment that he didnt finish? =p ekeke
MIss D anD drivinG lIceNSE
CoNgrateS MIss D.. guess u pulled the right gear, right? or the other gear to pass? ekeke...
Confession of a shopaholic – really fun, a good combination of comedy n romantic elemant. Another info for those who wants to watch, its only at Lotus. Happy watching.. =)
Satay AyAm N terminal satay Zul
3rd time here for me n for the rest im here with is the first time (excluding mr K, don’t know how many times he eat here)
Menu for 5 peoplES
Nasi lemak+telur = 1
Nasi lemak + telur + ayam goreng=3
Mee bakso=1
Satay ayam =50
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The TRuth fROm OTHEr side...
my my, sumbody just said to me 'it wasnt me'.. i wonder whut she talk about...
'itu bkn akak, akak syp because syp lbih baik dr berckp'
well if she want to tell the truth, she must said it right? no one knows if she keep queit no one knows.
the fact:
1. the story is base on what happened not from me.
2. all involved already knew before the blog been post.
3. the post is to make things clear. so, if its lies, just tell the truth.
To my beloved blog reader, the blog of 'what happend last friday" will be deleted.. so, just ask her for the true story..
my attention to clears things are wrongly read.. =)
2 Hours before delete.. tik tok.. tik tok..
Thursday, March 19, 2009
OGS 09 at UTP
perjlnn yg mncabar.. about 7 hours... tp x rase borink coz ramai bdak klas...
smpai sane dlm pkul 6 pg, pi srapn, then pi check in asrma.. asrama luar UTP.. aduss....
1St dAy...
UTP tour... UMp participant paling skem askali.. ekeke,.. yg lain pakai sempoi jer..
ice breaKING.... main CurTAin fall n XOXO... last skali main pecah2 belon... kalah gak, adus... pnt2 bat aliance..
IPOh tOur... pi jaya jusco utk mkn mlm smbil merayau... thnx pacik yg bwk bus, u the best n cool...
2nd day
opening ceremony... ringkas n padat. nie yg suka, xla rase ngntuk..
Forum : fINANcial CRiSi TO thE OIL marKET
WrKShop : OVERvIEw For FLOating struCtures.. lbih kpada civil.. tp nk buat cmner, dah masuk...
THE AWRd DinneR: mkn, jgn x mkn.. boleh tmbh.. go kishore.. go nana... ekeke
pergh.. best siot suara oliver... n per sembhn organ
3rd DAy
SeisMIC tEChnolOgy... about cara nk crk oil...
SApurA 300: deep WAter IntallatiON CApAbility
LIVE IT:sheLL.. buat mock InterVIEW.... n tips for interview.. dont oversell urself... ekeke..
kul 5 gerak bali ump... smpai dlm kul 1 pg... =)
Refreshment lg? xleh la I Nk diet
UMp studenT iS nOT oUR TARGET
MoVIE, oVEr THe niTE n FAmily DaY 09
lmbt buat post coz byk hal.. tp better late tnhan then nothing, rght?
movie: Dragonball
best gak, lr skit dr dragonball yg biase, tp itu yg menarik, x la rase bosan...
duration movie nie kjap sgt... =p
ovER The nite
lpas tgk wyg, pi uptown, crk bntal.. xde la plk.. , then proceed to TC.. lpak2.. menjelajah aper yg best.. ekeke..
then, sblm pi melpk kat benteng, mr ikhwan bwk pi round kuantan... ader tempat yg meriah rupenye.. =o
dr benteng ke UMp, boleh plk 2 kete nie berlumba.. n the winner is xde winner coz kne tahn ngn pak guard UMp... pergh.. tension2..
antara ayat2 yg kuar:
tau x skrng dah pkul brape? bwk kat matrix? dr mner? tau x xleh kuar after kul 12? MPP dah buat announcement kalo buat lg, nme akn dhntar ke Felo. maybe kne gntung SEM...
any comment?
truz xde mood...
GAS FAmily DAy 09
kat balok, about 70 org terlibat.. =)
activities - futsal utk girls n netball utk laki
ptg ader tarik tali n sukaneka (dah cabut lr, coz letih balik 3 pg ilng lg)
congrate to second year gas student..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The 12 HOurS
cuti=bosan(kalo kat ump)=kne merayau kuar
pada 7hb, kitaorg memulakan operasi menghilangkn bosan... kalo ikut operasi pihak berkuasa, leh namakan "ops anti bosan"..
firdaus as driver, codename the eater
aku as P.A (aya punye idea), codename the planner
Aya as leader, codename the Joker.
bad as bodyguard, codename the crusher.
emma as bodyguar, codename the assassin.
THe missioNS
mission 1 :mengenyangkan perut dan menambah tenaga utk mission 2.
mission lead by The eater.
venue:delifrance megamall
*The Joker nearly killed innocent people using fork.
mission 2 :menghabiskn tenaga dan menjatuhkan semua musuh (pin boling)
mission lead by The assassin
venue:megalane Megamall
*The Joker have injuries ( kuku patah)
*The crusher shows some potential in this mission
the winners: The Eater (byk tenaga sgt)
Mission 3: searching for base (tmpat mlpk)
mission lead by The Planner
*masing2 melpak smbil mkn
*smua x bwk baju spare, so, xleh mndi, padan muka.
mission 4: searching and buying mission equipment ( bli barng2)
venue: east coast mall
lead by the crusher
*last2 the girls jer bli barang
mission 5: finishing the meal
venue : tanjung lumpur
lead by The joker assist by The eater
*The joker xleh mkn seafood and sayur (tkut diracun mush/ alergik)
*the Planner kecewa coz xde ketam
*nmpaknye The crusher x tambh nasi lebih(cuak kot)
*THe assasin and the joker beri idea pasal meal tp last2 die kate xmo
*the Eater minum air gelas besar
mission 6: relaxing and "bird watching"
lead by The joker
mission failed. xde tempat nk parking.. bz gile kat cni.
mission 7: THE fun
lead by tHe crusher
venue:fun fair kat tmn tas
*The crusher cuba mengigati kembali mission funfair di tanjung lumpur.
*Teh eater Nk insurans dulu (cuak sgt nie)
end at ump
Monday, March 2, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
A NoTEs For FRendS
Long LosT FriendS and Lovers
Just like the seasons, people have the ability to change. In 1st year in KUKTEM(now known as UMP), some of us are with somebody else. I know the change is because of people get to know others well as times goes. Some of us noticed the true colors of others and instinct will tell to choose the one that suitable and comfortable to be around. But what happened for those in relation, and decide to take a step back and take a different ways? Can they just be friend? or enemies?. Some people decides to ignore and erase it from memories. But some people cant erased it and and totally cant move up. They will start to fight and hate each other. No ‘hi’, no ‘assalamualaikum’. The words change to ‘sial’, ‘pi mati la’. Don’t u just tired to be in this atmosphere? its time to forgive n forget
Just think the 1st day we all met. No hatred, no envy. Just pure feeling to know each others and be friends. If we cant be just like that but at least pretend, we only have one year left to be together.
A reminder to miss B, mr S, mr I, mr J, miss M, miss F, mr M, mr K
(u may not know all of this people here)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
MissiNg U
ekeke... bukannye rindu aper pun.. just rindu nk tgk tv drama yg dulu2... kat tv2, tiap2 mlm ader drama english yg mntap.. tv lain aper kuragnye.. ok gak.. nk cr dvd skrng nie pun agak ssh.. ye ar, ader ker lg nk tgk citer mcm tue..
missing u:
-dark angel
-dawson creek
-Xena the wrrior princess
nie yg terigt... ader lg kot..
just watched:
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I was tagged by redzu. The challenge is:
- Go to your photos folder in your computer.
- Go to the 6th folder of photos.
- Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
- Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
- Invite six friends to join the challenge.
- Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenge
skarng nie aku tagged
Friday, January 30, 2009
cuti sminggu nie pi bercuti kat kat kdah.. tumpang umah member kat kuala kedah iaitu cik siti badriah.. tetamu yg ikut bercuti ialah mr hafizuddin, cik aya n diri aku.. ekeke...
kitaorg bertolak kul 12 mlm dr k.l.. smpai dl kul 6.30.. pi umah badriah, lpak2, rehat2..
kul 8.30 pi tmpt nelayn naikan ikan.. crk ketam tapi dah abes.. sedey2... ptg kul 3 pi ronda2 kedah.. lalu tepi sawah2 (xsempat pun trun bendang, padi dah xde).. pi pacific n aper ntah.. tp x best coz byk kedai tutup, raye cina.. pas2 pi alor star tower (ala2 mcm k.l tower).. then lpas balik, pi pasar mlm.. tido awl..
kul 5.30 dah bgn.. ready pi LANGKAWI.. naik ferri dr kuala kedah.. pergh sejuk siot pagi2 mcm nie.. amik masa sjam stgh.. smpai2.. kitaprg sewa teksi coz x tau jln... antara tempat2 yg kitaorg pi tanjung rhu, pantai pasir hitam, cable car n pekan kuah... tmpat2 lain singgah kjap jer...
tanjung rhu, mcm2 aktiviti leh buat kat cni antaranye, snorkling, eagle feeding.. mat saleh raai kat cni..
pantai pasir hitam.. mmg itam pun pasir kat cni...
Cable car... kitaorg smpai kat cni kul 11 tp kul 12 baru bkk.. itupun dah ramai bratur... best naik cable car, nmpak satu pulau..
kat jmbatan atas gunung tue.. about 700+ m dr aras laut, cik badriah gayat time nie.. rilex ar bad.. =p
tmn haiwan kat dlm kawasan cable car.. aya syg siot kat rusa nie.. ekeke..
pas2 pi pekan kuah, bi barang.. kitaorg balik naik ferri kul 5.30
saper2 yg nk pi lngkawi here some info:
tmbng ferry dr kuala kedah - rm23
sewa teksi sejam, ader pemandu plncong- rm30
sewa kete - rm 70
cable car - rm15(pakai mykad-penting)
nk jimat, sewa motor.. ekeke..